Frequently asked questions
When should I book a midwife?
Get in touch with us as soon as you know you’re pregnant, if possible before 12 weeks of your pregnancy as your Midwife will want to advise of your options for screening for chromosomal abnormalities and organise this testing for you if you choose.
Can I choose my Midwife?
Yes. You can choose who you wish to look after you (depending on each midwife’s availability).
How often will I see my Midwife?
Your midwife will be your Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) and will be your day-to-day point of contact as the weeks and months progress. Each midwife will have a different approach, and it is best to talk to your individual carer.
Usually you will be seen at the Booking visit, 16 weeks, monthly until 28 weeks, every 2 to 3 weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly or fortnightly until delivery
How can I find out my due date?
To find out your due date you can use a pregnancy ovulation calculator such as http://babycarejournals.com/tools/pregnancy-ovulation-calculator
How much does maternity care cost?
Pregnancy care is free to all New Zealand Citizens and Residents. It is also available to people with long term work permits and their spouses – check with a midwife to see if you are eligible. You can also look on the government websites...
What does a midwife (or LMC) do?
A Midwife provides knowledge, advice, care and support to women and their families during pregnancy, labour and birth and the early weeks following birth. An LMC (Lead Maternity Carer) coordinates all of your pregnancy, birth, and postnatal care.
We meet you regularly during your pregnancy, attend your labour and birth, and see you at home until your baby is up to 4 - 6 weeks old. We organise tests and coordinate any referrals you may want or need.
Examples of tests are:
Blood tests
Ultrasound scans
Examples of referrals are:
General Practitioners
Social Workers
Your midwife or Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) is your first person to contact with questions or issues regarding your pregnancy. She (or her back-up) is available 24hrs a day for emergencies or urgent issues, or during normal working hours (Mondays to Fridays 8am - 6pm) for normal enquiries.
How do I choose a midwife?
Often our midwives will be recommended by former clients, but it is important that you choose a midwife that you feel comfortable with.
We are all a bit different – check out our About Us section for hints as to who might fit best for you.
What happens during appointments?
Your appointments are a time for you and your midwife to get to know each other, discussion about birth plans, to answer questions, and to check on the health of your baby during pregnancy. During your appointments your Midwife will note your personal particulars, your past obstetric history and the essential details of your present pregnancy. Your booklet will provide you with a record of your antenatal care.
Appointments can include:
Organisation of tests and scans
Organisation of referrals to other practitioners as needed; (Physiotherapists, Obstetricians, General Practitioners etc)
Discussion about labour, birth, and postnatal options
Development of a birth plan
Discussion about support groups available in the community
Health and wellbeing discussions for you and your baby
Blood pressure and urine dip-stick tests to monitor for problems such as Gestational Diabetes and Pre-eclampsia
Ensuring your baby is growing well
Determining the position your baby is in prior to birth
Listening to your baby’s heart rate
Answering any questions or concerns
Where will/can I give birth?
We offer primary midwifery care with a focus on physiological birth. This means that we encourage women to deliver their babies at Botany Downs Maternity Unit, as research indicates that statistically this is safe and facilitates a greater chance of a normal birth. You may also birth your baby at Middlemore Hospital if you choose to, or the progress of your pregnancy dictates that it would be safer for you and your baby. Jaimee and Laetitia could also assist you at a Home birth if you have a low risk pregnancy and opt to birth at home.